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Standard Professional Enterprise
Make image, video and flash screensavers
Create self-installing screensavers and CDs
Create time and feature limited screensavers
Royalty-free distribution rights
Display image banner in settings window
Change default screensaver icon
Individual registration key system
Multi-language support
Open web links from screensaver
Put clock and calendar on your screensaver
Create RSS screensavers
Display your logo on all images
Display image popup on exit (can link to web)
Create slideshow presentations in EXE format
Create screensavers with auto updates
Build screensavers from command line
Multi-monitor support (picture screensavers) up to 2 up to 3 up to 5
Use on one computer and one laptop only
Use on up to 3 computers
Price £79.95 £99.95 £169.95
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